Healthcare roles added to Green list – from 29 May 2023
32 New health roles added to Green List – all health sector roles on the Green list are moved to Tier 1 – Straight to residence – from 29 May 2023
Hospitality/tourism roles – from 24 April 2023
From 24 April 2023 the people applying for the following occupations will need to be paid a minimum of $28.18 rather than $25.00 per hour to obtain an Accredited Employer Work Visa
Partnership work visa – from 31 May 2023
Partners of Accredited Employer Work Visa holders who apply for a new work visa will, if approved, have the following conditions placed on their visa:
- They must work for an accredited employer and be paid at least the median wage.
- If they work in a role covered by an un-capped sector agreement, they can be paid less than the median wage but must be paid the wage threshold for their role.
- This change will not affect your partner’s current work visa. These conditions will only be applied to new applications.
- If you work in a role on our Green List, or you are paid at least twice the median wage your partner will have open work rights and these visa conditions will not apply to them.
- If you are paid under the median wage, your partner will not be eligible for a partnership-based work visa.
- If your partner works in a role that is covered by a sector agreement, stand-down periods will not apply to them.
- Your partner cannot work in a role covered by a sector agreement if a cap applies to that role. At the moment this includes meat processing workers and seafood processing workers.
9th May 2021
Offshore applications are suspended for a further 3 months
Applications for most temporary visas from people outside of New Zealand are suspended.
The following offshore temporary entry class visa applications can still be made:
- relationship-based visas for partners and dependent children of New Zealand citizens and residents
- visa applications made by people invited to apply because they have a critical purpose for being in New Zealand
- visas for diplomatic, consular and official staff and accompanying dependants
- Antarctic Traveller Visitor visas and Antarctic Work visas
- Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) Limited visas.
28th April 2021
Restrictions on travel from very high risk countries
Other travellers, including New Zealand residents, can enter only if they spend 14 days outside a very high risk country before their arrival here. Transit through a very high risk country is excluded from the 14-day requirement.
Selection of EOIs for residence under the Skilled Migrant Category and Parent Category still deferred
The continued deferral of these EOI selections allows INZ to focus on processing applications from people who are in New Zealand or those eligible to travel here while border restrictions are in place.